General Support

If you still have a problem? Email Support here Email:
  All Users

Click here if you :-

  • Have forgotten your password for PiobMaster 2.2/2.3 or DrumScriobh 2.0
  • Would like to change your email address in our database
  • Would like to submit a support problem
  • Visit the Useful Tips Section
  Windows Vista and Windows 7

PiobMasterPro and the Alasdair Gillies Learner compositions series are Vista and Win 7 compiant. However, some users have managed to install PiobMaster 2.3 and DrumScriobh 2.0 on Vista and Windows 7 using the following work around. However, it does not rectify the playback problem experienced by the users.


"There is a problem which is easily sorted when running PiobMaster under Vista. A dialogue referring to Regedit appears on program launch. So exit PiobMaster. The user (as administrator) goes to the User Accounts Control Panel and selects the option to turn User Account Control OFF. The PC restarts and after restart, user relaunches PiobMaster. Then go back to same control panel and turn UAC back on, restart and relaunch. Fix should work.". Donald Shaw, Scotland UK.

  Trial & Full Versions

Ensure to download the PiobMasterPro trial version before purchasing

Remember to remove trial versions of PiobMaster 2.3 and DrumScriobh 2.0 before installing full version of your chosen software package.

  Tutor Book Users

If you are experiencing a problem viewing the exercises and video clips on the Tutor Book CD-ROM - please download and install this patch from here


Patches & Upgrades


PiobMasterPro 3.0

Click here for the latest patch upgrade to PiobMasterPro which is now available. It will contain bug fixes relating to the very first release of PiobMasterPro

PiobMasterPro Template Files
Portrait - Standard Template
Landscape Standard Template
3/4 with Seconds - Portrait
3 x 2 Parted Tunes - Portrait

Missing License Key

This is due to a program such as "CCleaner" registry cleaner that appears to remove the PiobMasterPro license details which are encrypted in the PC's registry: Please reconfigure the registry cleaner software or remove it.


Missing Time Signatures

This is due to a Windows upgrade from Microsoft. Please replace your font with the amended one available here. Follow these steps :

Solution for Win 7 (Will be similar for XP and Win 8,10)

  1. Close PiobMasterPro down
  2. Open Control Panel->Appearance & Personalisation->Preview, Show, Delete font
  3. Select CeolMor.ttf font and delete it (can be done with right-click)
  4. Download the font from the link above, to a folder on your PC.
  5. Navigate to where you saved the font, right-click and install.
  6. Open PiobMasterPro – time signatures should appear.


Online Download Installation Error Code 1925 - Run as Administrator

This is due to security constrictions within Windows

Solution (Win 7,8,10)

  1. Open folder were you downloaded PMPro3.exe - normally C:\Users\'username'\Downloads
  2. Right click on this file and select Run as Administrator



"The ordinal 7000 could not be located in the dynamic link library mfc90u.dll"

  1. Ensure that VC++ 2008 SP1 is installed.
  2. Download from here (Ensure you install the 32-bit version - "vcredist_86.exe")



"celmmgtx.dll is the wrong version please upgrade"

  1. Copy both files linked below into the C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ folder
  2. Download celmmgtx.dll from here



"The application has failed to start because its side-by-side configuration is incorrect"

  1. Please ensure that you have installed the required redistributable files.
  2. Download from here



"The Microsoft .Net Framework 3.5 SPI is missing"

  1. Please ensure that you have installed the required framework file.
  2. Download from here


"PiobMasterPro Help does not dispay content"

  1. Run Windows Explorer, navigate to PiobMasterPro install folder, right-click on the .CHM file, and select Properties from the popup menu.
  2. Click on the Unblock button immediately below the Advanced button on the General page
  3. Click Apply to show the content. Once the CHM file has been unblocked, the Unblock button disappears.
  4. NEW!! Alternatively download the PDF help version here

DrumScriobh 2.0

Update your installation to build 7 (to address a number of issues). Approx. file size: 1.5Mb. Check your own version first to see if you need to update. Details are on the program's Start->About... screen. Please choose the appropriate update below (be careful!!): update a download installation (stay online) or update a cdrom installation.
On Win 7 ignore warning message at start up.

Rogue notes can't be selected or deleted
Install the most recent update above. These notes will be stripped out when you load in an offending file, and will also be checked and removed when the file is saved.

Cannot find the DrumScriobh CD problem
This error sometimes appears with CDROM drives with letters higher than K:. This problem should be taken care of in the latest update (above) as long as you run the software either from the start menu or from the desktop (note: running from the "Run DrumScriobh" button when the CDROM autostarts will run the original exe on your CDROM).

If you don't want to download the update to fix this problem, just download this patch and run it after closing DrumScriobh 2. Follow the instructions to enter your CDROM drive letter (NO colon). When this is done, close it and run DrumScriobh 2 as normal.

If you have an early DrumScriobh 1.0 CD-ROM version and you are unlucky enough to see a message saying something like "PiobMaster must be installed before use", download this patch and run it.

DrumScriobh 1.0 can still be downloaded from here


Alasdair Gillies MSR Vol 1

When run in Windows 7 you may experience the ebook not appearing in the viewer. To rectify this, complete the following steps

  1. Open windows explorer and navigate to the installation folder, normally: c:\Program Files\eMusicBook (AG Vol1)\Docs\
  2. Rename the file "Tmp001.dat" to "ebook.pdf"


  PiobMaster 2.3

How to import BMW Gold files into PiobMaster

  • Open your .BWW file in MS Notepad
  • Save the .BWW files as a .BMW file
  • Strip out all the text at the start of the file relating to playback parameters.
  • Leave only the text relating to tune name/type/author - "THE DETROIT HIGHLANDERS", "March", "Composer's Name", " " 
  • Save your changes
  • Open PiobMaster and File->Import
  • Save tune in PiobMaster
  • Use Tools->Options, "Half note when grouped" option to correct barring of notes if required.
  • Edit and correct any import errors - most notable can be notes that required cutting, which are associated with dotted notes

PiobMaster 2.3 Update

For registered PiobMaster 2.2 users only. This update won't work with version 2.1, you will need to purchase an upgrade license.

For registered PiobMaster 2.2 users with an old style license key [i.e 8B934956FBE3E3EBEA] you will need to email us with your old details, so that we can create a new style password for you, thus enabling you to upgrade to PiobMaster 2.3 for free.

Select the appropriate update below depending on your current installation type (please be careful!)

a) To update a Downloaded and unlocked version to 2.3 click here

b) To update a CD Rom version to 2.3 click here

Important: Do NOT uninstall version 2.2. Once you have downloaded the setup program, run it from your hard disk (or desktop) and follow the on-screen instructions.

Most recent version of PiobMaster 2.1

PiobMaster 2.1 (Build 6) can be downloaded from here